Thursday, 18 January 2007

giving in (parenthetically)

so here i am. yes. me. allison. blogging. what?
i'm trying not to think about it too hard. but i believe you all. yes all of you... that it is indeed for the best. especially condsidering the circumstances.
so we begin:
fourth day in england and i have a library card (national library system, not city or county, mind you).
erika (pronounced eriker by the locals) and i have gotten some decent work done today which is lovely. i feel somewhat out of place up here in the north. upon arriving in london more than two years ago i felt perfectly at home. but here i feel only slightly rejected. i'm sure that will pass. just settling in, i think.
i live with linda james. she is delightful. she's from the south and therefore (apparently) more friendly than most people around here. she has three cats: felix, diby, and charlie (or it could be chawlie. i'm not sure.). erika and i have adopted their room (at least that's how they see it) and have made it more or less our own.
linda james has three hyacinth bulbs on her kitchen windowsill. one of which is going to bloom very late. the pink one has already begun to lose its blossoms!
it's been ridiculously windy today. we've nearly been blown away several times. each time i imagine myself being blown with my umbrella right into the west end of london and ending up nannying for some family who genuinely needs me.
then i come back to reality.
we have been eating very well, which is nice. linda james is an extremely good cook and cooks quite healthy as well. my only complaint is that she uses margarine instead of butter. but i can handle it for a few months.
so far i have not driven the car, but my turn will come. instead i've been "navigating" (in quotation marks for obvious reasons) and trying to tell erika which way to go. we've been having a good time of it.
i think my time here will go very fast. i will see you all before i know it. and by then the winter will be over and the spring will be here and we should all have a picnic.
much love

so, my professional blogger friends, i think that's all i can muster for my first posting. how did i do? it took a lot out of me. i hope i can do a bit more next time. :)


jo said...

...of any kind. (of any kind, so fine) and if, if beneath the icefields, there's a room. You know it's there, I'll find my peace: a lovely tune.

I'm not really sure if that's the correct puntuation for those lyrics (heck, I don't know if they're the real lyrics for sure).
Still! I'm so glad to see the blog! The adventures of al, vol. 22 chapter 6, eh?

the anna said...

it's brilliant!
seriously. i love it. perfect fodder for a blog. (much better than what i've got)
keep up the good work! (and don't worry about making it great, it will be amazing without you even trying. just make sure you write regularly or we'll be up in arms wanting to know the rest of the story.)

the anna said...

you are now, officially, on my newsreader (or whatever you call it) and i will start work on the picnic.

SBS said...

YEA YEA YEA!!!!All that I hoped, and so much more! Muchly much more. What a great ideer.

Now Entering the Blogosphere.

About your email...I’ll take that thank and double it. Thanks! What’s so bad about the address? I think it’s great. I’ll take credit/blame for it anyday.

Can't wait for day 2. I'll check it whenever class gets boring, and share it with my friends, neighbors, and countrymen.


the anna said...

yes, i agree. thanks are due, and also due to you, stu.
so thank you.

and, al, would we, hypothetically speaking, be allowed to post you as a link on, say, a hypothetical blog of our own?

Stacey said...

Congrats on your blog. I have to say I am indeed impressed. My sister Al...a blogger! It's perfect for being able to know what's happening on your side of the world. Thanks for taking the step. And thank to Stu too!

Unknown said...

I'm not a blogger but I loved it