Sunday 28 January 2007

tell me something amazing

i will tell you two things that are amazing. thanks for asking.
on thursday of last week i planned to drive north about 45 minutes to go to lancaster castle. but i kept seeing signs for 'the lakes' and 'the lakes' kept calling to me. i thought heck. i like driving. i want to pay for petrol. i'm going to go to the lakes. so i drove to windermere. the most famous and most southern of the lakes in the lake district. it was amazing. i was close to tears as the sun shone through the clouds onto the gorgeous green fields. how can something be so green in january?
i parked on some obscure street and walked along the lake. i stopped on a bench and let the sun shine in my eyes as i ate a mixed berry fruit corner. (oh my gosh. england's wonderful. have you had this yogurt?? i've been waiting for two years to eat this stuff.) (yogurt is pronounced with a short o, by the way) gorgeous. freezing cold. but totally worth it. then i went to the peter rabbit store and bought a tiny little pin. i was this close (my fingers are about a quarter of an inch apart) to staying at a bed and breakfast overnight. but i decided i wanted to eat linda's dinner.
as i drove back i saw a small road off the main road and decided what the heck? let's drive up it. i turned onto it and on either side of the car there were walls about 4 feet high with sheepfields as far as i could see. i drove about 20 minutes and parked the car, got out, and stood by the wall to watch the pink sunset. total contentment.
amazing thing number two: (and you thought we were done!)
on saturday i rode the train by myself (very adventurous, if i do say so myself) to lancaster. i went to the castle... which is a working castle! this means that they still keep prisoners there and hold court there in court rooms that were built in 1796-- those are the newest portions of the castle. then i went to the priory church. and then i went all over town looking for a chocolate caramel shortbread. i've still not found one to rival the one i had in rye 2 years ago. i'll just have to keep looking wherever i go.
rode the train back and got home in time for dinner. delightful.
love you all.
and miss you tonnes.


the anna said...

such adventures!!

jo said...

Fabulous! Just imagining it is amazing, so I'm sure it's fantastic in real life!

Unknown said...

Oh, how lovely. I feel like I was there with you. I love your blog and I love you.