Friday, 19 January 2007

divided by a common language

day 2
of the blog, that is.
i thought that i could not fail worse at any other game than trivial pursuit.
yesterday i was proven wrong.
we played the british version of trivial pursuit. i know even less about british pop culture than i do about my own beloved country's triviality.
but feeling stupid isn't all bad.
at least not at institute.
i ate chocky bickys (and no i'm not quite sure how one spells that) which are of course chocolate biscuits. which are of course cookies.
england has motorways with no pavement.
that is
free ways with no sidewalks. it's not unusual.
i carry a handbag with my purse inside of it.
i used to carry a purse with my wallet inside of it.
i eat candy. they eat sweets.
basil with a short a sound and herbs pronouncing the h.
and did you know? they even changed the spelling of aluminum to suit their pronunciation. aluminium. really. emphasis on the al. like condominium.
alu-- alu-- aluminium... alu-- alu-- alu kids! :)
now can we talk about the words that americans simply underuse?
like cheeky?
and posh?
and lovely?
oh and silly means stupid (do you think i'm silly? in a disbelieving voice)
and another funny thing.
i've never thought about it before but british people can have speech impediments too. yesterday i met someone who couldn't say his r's very well. i shouldn't laugh but i did inside. i was very polite outwardly, though. try speaking in a british accent without saying your r's well. no really. try it.
around the rugged rocks the rugged rascal ran.
really. out loud this time.
around the rugged rocks the rugged rascal ran.
one more story
yesterday i was talking to a guy at institute who i thought had just gotten back from holladay and st george.
come to find out he'd just gotten back from holiday in st. george.
but like i said. feeling stupid isn't all bad.
but don't ask me to defend my position, mrs. c.


jo said...

Ha ha ha! Can I come there, please!?! I say posh, do you think they'll let me in? I want to come...

Unknown said...

I remember when I first went to Ghana and I called a little kid silly and they were so hurt. I've had a hard time saying it since.

SBS said...

You are good at should have started a long time ago. Keep helping me build my British vocab.

Feeling silly sometimes isn't bad...when you're stupid.