Friday, 2 March 2007

luck be a gentleman

so it's been a while. how are you?
i've been pretty good!
the new cottage is amazing. it's in a picturesque place just a few minutes away from the peak district national park. i love it here. for many reasons. one of them being that it feels more like home because you can go up on a hill and look down and see the valley. i love that feeling.
yesterday i drove to the top of a peak in the national park and stopped at a look out point overlooking the holme valley. i watched the clouds move quickly across the sky and the sun pop out in different places every few seconds. i sat there in amazement as i tried to grasp the fact that i was living here... that this was my life. could i really be this lucky?
i guess i can.
because just before that, i had gone to a charity shop in holmfirth and found two skirts and a suit (a suit!) for less than £18. i'm not sure where all this is coming from... is the cottage going to burn down?
this last wednesday we had a meeting where we introduced the ward employment specialists in the ashton stake to the workshop we're teaching. it was an hour and a half whirlwind tour of a 12 hour workshop. it went fantastically well. all this being in front of people stuff is getting easier. i think it's one of those fake it til you make it things.
i guess i've had my share of bad luck, too. on wednesday erika and i tried to go to the yorkshire sculpture park, which is a huge outdoor park with sculptures too big to be inside. kind of. it's a cool idea. but really. not in england. as we were driving there the sun was shining and it was even decently warm. when we first got there, we went into the visitor's center place to get a map and we ended up spending about ten minutes in the gift shop. when we came back outside the wind had started blowing and it had started raining a really cold, hard rain. i tried to bear it. really i did. i walked to about 4 different sculptures. and then i realized: i am not having fun. erika had already given up and gone back to the gift shop. so i went inside, determined to redeem this experience. we went to the overpriced restaurant and i bought myself a scone and a hot chocolate. both were extremely good. and yes, even redeeming. but the whole thing ended up being much too expensive.
i guess that's why they say to save your pennies for a rainy day.


the anna said...

i really should check the blog before i write you. you can ignore a couple of those questions i think.

my dear, you have the most lovely life i can imagine. i am horribly jealous. even with the unpleasantnesses.
i want a charity shop suit!!!!

and congrats on the fantastically well-done meeting. fake it, nothing, girl. you've already made it. you're amazing!

and i'm so glad you're still writing to us. these are exactly the kinds of things that must be recorded and made available to the general public. yes.

besides the fact that you're such a good writer. maybe you're the "voice of the generation"...

the anna said...

and i did notice and appreciate the title. just so you know.

Unknown said...

I'm extreemly jealous of your skirts and suits too! But I do have to say that I think you've earned it and that someone must really love you. (Not just lucky and I'm pointing up right now.)
I love love love you.

Anonymous said...

Al, I tried to post a comment a while back about your lovelyland experiences and I got blocked out (or is that blogged-out?). Anyway, I'll try again. The more I hear about good 'ol England, the more I'm excited to come see it with you. I think it is wonderful you are making a difference in people's lives you need your services. Keep up the good work! I love your writing--thanks for letting us live your experiences vicariously! Love, Dad